Our Daily Confessions
1. By God’s grace, FHCC is fulfilling God’s perfect plan in Clearwater Fl. and beyond Mark 11:23-24 Psalm 75:6-7
2. The people who belong at FHCC are hearing about it and joining
3. By faith, we proclaim then we will win 10000 souls for the Kingdom of God by 2015. Acts 2:47
4. By faith, we proclaim that we will add at least 1000 members by 2015. Habakkuk 2:2
5. FHCC is going to grow and as part of HCMI to be a thriving church able to meet the needs of its people. 2 Corinthians 9:8
6. By Faith we trust to own our own land and building in the near future.
7. We proclaim that lack of finances is no longer an issue for the people of FHCC. Deuteronomy 28:1-14
8. FHCC serves as a hub for the purpose of training and releasing leaders into the harvest fields of Tampa Bay and the world.
Ephesians 4:11
9. The anointing of the Holy Spirit increases every day, individually and corporately, in the lives of those who call FHCC
“Home”. Zechariah 4:6
10. We proclaim that our lifegroups will grow creating an atmosphere of love, acceptance, fellowship and belonging for everyone
who attends. Acts 2:42-47